A Selection of our Projects


GREAT International Meeting

In diesem Jahr hat die Waltraut Bergmann Stiftung das XI. GREAT International Meeting unterstützt welches vom  5.-6. Juli in Venedig stattfand.


Longevity Research Project

Epidemiological no-profit study to identify factors that contribute to the longevity in a vast and relatively wild region of Southern Italy (Cilento).

LIBRE 2 study

The LIBRE study group, guided by Prof. Marion Kiechle works on a study named LIBRE-study.  The study is grand-aided by “Waltraut Bergmann Stiftung” and the “Deutsche Krebshilfe”.

ATHENA study

Study of blood markers among women with increased risk of developing breast cancer.


Study for Urinary Tract Infection

Study for a short time positive/negative diagnosis of UTI and antibiotic susceptibility tests in about 200 patients, hospitalized in the Emergency Department of the Azienda Ospedaliera Sant'Andrea hospital in Rome (Italy).


Development of new Biomarkers

Development of new biomarkers in diagnosis and prognosis of patients with congestive heart failure.

Kinder Augenkrebs Stiftung

Overtaking of the costs of auto-immune-sera to support research on rare eye-diseases in children.